Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Tell if He Likes You

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How to tell if he likes youAt some point in her life, every girl as probably asked her friends how to tell if a guy likes you. Men can be extremely confusing sometimes, and mixed signals are seriously frustrating when a girl is trying to determine the next step in a prospective relationship. Unfortunately, there's no single answer to the question of how to tell if a guy likes you. Every guy will express his interest in his own way, so you will need to get to know him better in order to interpret all of his actions. Nevertheless, there are a few guidelines you can follow that will help to gauge his interest:
He'll want to spend time with you. A guy who likes you will make time in his schedule to see you. If he spontaneously drops by your workplace or texts you randomly throughout the day, there's a pretty good chance that he likes you. If he seems to be busy every time you talk to him or is always forgetting your plans, he's probably not that into you.He'll tease you a little. For many guys, teasing is a natural part of flirtation. If he makes playful comments about you, it shows he's paying attention and trying to be funny. Don't confuse teasing with bullying, though; if your prospective guy hurts your feelings with his comments, you don't have to put up with it. Tell him to knock it off and pursue a guy with respect.He'll show off around you. Guys like to impress potential objects of affection. Guys might show off things they're particularly proud of, like their cars or athletic prowess. They might also be inclined to tell you details about their hobbies or accomplishments.He asks you about yourself. A truly interested guy won't spend all of his time talking about himself; he'll also try to get to know you better. He'll ask you about your interests, how your day went or what your plans are for the week. More importantly, he actually listens to what you say.He remembers things you've told him. A guy who pays attention to you and remembers things you've said is a guy who's genuinely interested in you as a person. The interest may be friendly or it could be romantic, but any time a guy recalls things from previous conversations it's a good sign that he likes you.He's happy to see you. If a guy really likes you, he'll look forward to seeing you even if he's too busy to hang out. He'll perk up when he sees you, and you'll be able to hear a smile in his voice when you call.He says he likes you. It should be pretty self-evident that a guy likes you if he says he does. Although you may be tempted to second-guess his intentions or try to read deeper meaning into what he says, guys are usually pretty good at telling you exactly what they think about something. If he says he's into you, he probably is.If you're wondering how to tell if a guy likes you, the easiest thing to do might be to just ask. Although it might feel uncomfortable or embarrassing at first to be so straightforward, you can save yourself a lot of second-guessing. Most guys will probably be relieved at an opportunity to explain how they feel. If he doesn't seem sure how he feels or dodges the subject, you know that you're probably wasting your time with him and can move on to more enthusiastic prospects.

© Amy Cunningham, Editor


Sexually Pleasing A Woman

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