Saturday, April 28, 2012

What Women Want In A Man - Both Outside The Bedroom And Inside It

If you're a guy and you've ever wondered about 'what women want in a man', this article is going to give you the answers.

I've spent the past 10 years figuring out the whole WOMEN, SEX and RELATIONSHIPS thing and now I teach other men how to have happier relationships with their women and how to have much BETTER SEX.

The reason why I tell you that is so that you know what I'm talking about.

Many people claim to know what women want in a man, but the truth is that very few have any idea.

If you want to have a successful relationship with your woman, keeping reading because you're about to find out exactly:

What Women Want In A Man

1. Appreciation

The first thing every woman wants from her man is APPRECIATION. In other words -- your woman doesn't want to feel like you take her for granted.

Sometimes, simple things like saying "thank you" and "I love you" are all that's required to show her you appreciate her.

Of course, doing nice things for her also helps -- like that DATE NIGHT you take her on at least once a week. You do take your woman on at least one date a week, right?

If you don't -- start doing it now.

2. To Be Made To Feel Sexy And Feminine

The second thing every woman wants is to be made to feel SEXY and FEMININE.

So make sure you tell your woman how sexy you find her.

And don't just focus on her 'tits and ass' like most guys do.

If she's just had her hair done -- tell her it looks great.

If she's just had her nails done, tell her they look really sexy.

Get it?


Moving on...

3. An Emotional Connection

Here's where many men fail miserably.

They don't create an emotional connection with their women.

And here's the thing:

Every woman wants an emotional connection with her man.

4. Incredible Sex

Finally, what women want in man are SEXUAL SKILLS.

Your woman doesn't really care 'how big you are', how long you can last or how much sexual experience you have.

No, no, no -- what she wants, needs and craves are for you to have the skills in bed to give her INCREDIBLE SEX.

And what exactly is incredible sex?

Simple -- it's where you give her VAGINAL ORGASMS during intercourse.

NOTE: Most women who aren't sexually satisfied end up cheating.

By the way -- to discover exactly how to give your woman VAGINAL ORGASMS and incredible sex, click HERE.

Sexually Pleasing a Woman

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